Jim Humbles Chlorine Dioxide MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution

Jim Humble’s chlorine dioxide, MMS or miracle mineral solution, is becoming increasingly popular as a low-cost, effective health supplement. MMS has come a long way since its discovery. Jim initially developed his protocol on a mining trip, when his team was struck by malaria. With no medication and the nearest town days away by foot, he decided to try out some water-purifying drops – chlorine dioxide – as an alternative solution. Miraculously, it worked, and now MMS has been used to treat more than 75,000 cases of malaria.

The MMS protocol is an antibacterial, antifungal, and disinfectant technique using sodium chlorite diluted with an acidic activator to produce chlorine dioxide, a powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and disinfectant.

In MMS, there are only two ingredients. Sodium chlorite in a 28 percent solution is the primary ingredient. When activated with citric acid, it becomes Chlorine Dioxide, which has been used to purify water for over 70 years. In 2001, this powerful agent was used to clean up the anthrax attacks.

In 2005, chlorine dioxide was used to kill mold outbreaks caused by Katrina damage. Chlorine dioxide is more effective at fighting mold, bacteria, and fungus than chlorine.

If you intend to use MMS for your own personal purposes, it is recommended that you read Jim or Paris Humbles’ book before using it.

Miracle mineral supplement can be used for emergency water treatment, first aid, and maintaining a healthy environment, regardless of its intended use.

Paris Humble Chlorine Dioxide Author

Paris Humble has dedicated numerous years within the sphere of individuals utilizing chlorine dioxide as a potential health solution. This journey commenced through their father, Jim Humble, who undertook research on chlorine dioxide, subsequently bestowing the moniker MMS, an abbreviation for Miracle Mineral Solution. At present, Paris Humble operates as an active Health Coach in the Pacific Northwest, where she frequently encounters client inquiries concerning the usage of MMS.

MMS discovered by author Jim Humble

Her father’s exploration into the potential benefits of employing chlorine dioxide for health purposes has resulted in a significant gift to those who can discern amidst the clutter and evaluate whether these uncomplicated and budget-friendly water purification drops (MMS) might provide them with relief.

From her personal observation, she has yet to encounter an individual who hasn’t derived substantial advantages from the utilization of chlorine dioxide water purification drops.

Following her father’s realization that there could exist health advantages associated with employing chlorine dioxide, he initiated the inclusion of volunteers grappling with persistent and untreatable illnesses, allowing them to independently assess the effects of the drops. This group, deemed helpless due to their conditions, often advised to settle their affairs, held little hope for recovery.


Notably, after consistent usage of the water purification drops, every single one of these volunteers made a complete recovery from their health afflictions. Fueled by these transformative outcomes, her father undertook the task of disseminating his findings. A comprehensive outline of his research, conclusions, and methodologies can be found in his publication, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.

Predictably, ensuing events unfolded in a somewhat anticipated manner. The FDA launched a crusade against her father for daring to articulate views opposing the medical establishment, particularly those that claimed incurable illnesses could be reversed through the simple act of consuming minute quantities of a water purifier.

Despite the FDA’s significant influence and its capacity to initiate a substantial media smear campaign against her father and his MMS, a multitude of individuals were able to reclaim their well-being through the employment of chlorine dioxide.

One malicious campaign falsely asserted that their father was advocating the consumption of bleach, a story that rapidly gained traction, despite being wholly unfounded. Paris was profoundly affected by these developments and struggled to comprehend the adversity her father was enduring. Nevertheless, her father persevered in disseminating his discoveries.

Whenever individuals express their intention to embark on this journey, Paris is resolute in clarifying that the consumption of the solution straight from the bottle, as inaccurately portrayed by the media, should be strictly avoided (which is particularly exasperating considering this misrepresentation never occurred). To provide clarity, let’s commence with the fundamental information.

Available without prescription, chlorine dioxide water purification drops are obtainable as a two-part kit. This same water purifier is utilized by military personnel when they encounter potentially contaminated water sources in challenging terrains. Through the employment of these drops, practically any surface water can be swiftly and efficiently purified, rendering it safe for consumption.

These water purification drops can be easily procured from a variety of sports stores and are particularly favored by outdoor enthusiasts, campers, hikers, and are often included in emergency and survival kits.

For those who travel abroad, Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Travel Packs present a practical option. These packs are packaged conveniently in 2 oz two-part bottles, sanctioned for air travel.

Avoiding the consumption of contaminated water while on vacation becomes a non-issue with the inclusion of Chlorine Dioxide Travel Packs among the travel essentials.

For those desiring more comprehensive insight into the potential benefits of chlorine dioxide water purification drops, Paris Humble offers a book titled “Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration” (2022). It’s essential to note that this book, along with her father’s publication, has been prohibited from sale by Amazon.com.


One response to “Jim Humbles Chlorine Dioxide MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution”

  1. Gabriel Hernandez Avatar
    Gabriel Hernandez

    Could you provide a list of the protocols and uses, please?
    There was a website in the past where I was able to see them, but I can’t find that page anymore. I would really appreciate it. Thank you

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