Category: MMS

  • Chlorine Dioxide Pathogens Bacteria Parasites Fungi and Mold

    Chlorine dioxide, commonly referred to as MMS, a nickname for chlorine dioxide coined by researcher and author Jim Humble, is the most profound annihilator of a broad spectrum of otherwise hard-to-kill parasites. Renowned over the years as the most effective pathogen-killer known to man in industrial applications, chlorine dioxide is the most impactful product that…

  • Therapeutic Use of Chlorine Dioxide: A Guide to Addressing Health Challenges

    Chlorine dioxide water purification drops, commonly called MMS or Master Mineral Solution, have garnered attention for their versatile therapeutic properties in combating various infectious and degenerative diseases. This guide aims to illuminate the mechanisms of chlorine dioxide within the body and its utilization in tackling conditions such as cancer, influenza, and beyond. Understanding Chlorine Dioxide’s…

  • MMS The Master Miracle Solution, or Water Purification Drops

    This powerful anti-microbial compound has a long history of being used – primarily for sanitizing drinking water for the past 60 years. This is because the chlorine dioxide molecule works and works well. There are very few pathogens found in water anywhere in the world that can’t be made potable with the help of this…

  • Jim Humble MMS Videos

    1. Andreas Kalcker Tribute to Jim Humble  2. Sacha Stone Tribute to Jim Humble  3. Jim Humble – January 2010 Project Avalon Bill Ryan Talks w/Jim Re: MMS 4. Jim Humble March 9, 2021 Welcome Message 5. The Universal Antidote  6. Jim Humble interviewed by Bill Ryan ( 2017) : a Project…

  • Chlorine Dioxide MMS and the Herxheimer Reaction to Detoxify

    What people think are chlorine dioxide or MMS side effects are Herxheimer reactions. According to Jim Humble’s original chlorine dioxide protocols, higher doses per hour were ramped up much faster than we do nowadays. This resulted in nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea in some cases. According to critics of MMS, Herxheimer reactions are the body’s response…

  • MMS Chlorine Dioxide Supporting Information Raise Awareness.

    Jim Humble is the main person who is responsible for introducing the potential health benefits of using chlorine dioxide as a healing agent that on its own does no healing at all. What it does do it to kill pathogens that are compromising the human condition, this includes bad bacteria, fungus, mold, parasites, and viruses,…

  • How to Make Chlorine Dioxide MMS at Home on Kitchen Tabletop

    Discover an uncomplicated recipe for creating your own MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) at home. This step-by-step guide on how to make chlorine dioxide on your home kitchen tabletop can be a valuable resource for you and your family now or in the future. Introduction to Sodium Chlorite: The primary component of MMS is sodium chlorite,…

  • Unlocking the Potential of Chlorine Dioxide for Human Use

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) takes a stringent stance against the uninformed consumption of chlorine dioxide, cautioning individuals against ingesting it undiluted. This caution is well-founded, as chlorine dioxide, a potent disinfectant, plays a crucial role in ensuring the cleanliness and safety of the food we consume. It is extensively employed in various food…

  • Jim Humble’s Protocol 1000

    The following is the new disease elimination protocol for MMS using chlorine dioxide: Protocol 1000 from Jim Humble, an excerpt from his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium. Protocol 1000 Take three drops of activated MMS in juice or water once each hour for at least eight consecutive hours every day for…

  • Eating While You Are Taking MMS

    While on your MMS protocol, you can eat. The MMS dose should not be taken right at mealtime. Plan your meals around your dosing while on the protocols. MMS doses should be spaced out by 20 to 30 minutes after you take them. MMS doses can be taken at 8:00 a.m., breakfast at 8:30 a.m., and…