Therapeutic Use of Chlorine Dioxide: A Guide to Addressing Health Challenges

Chlorine dioxide water purification drops, commonly called MMS or Master Mineral Solution, have garnered attention for their versatile therapeutic properties in combating various infectious and degenerative diseases. This guide aims to illuminate the mechanisms of chlorine dioxide within the body and its utilization in tackling conditions such as cancer, influenza, and beyond.

Understanding Chlorine Dioxide’s Unique Properties

One of the most remarkable attributes of chlorine dioxide is its capacity to target non-health-promoting cells, including cancerous and reckless cells, and effectively eliminate them upon contact. This process facilitates the removal of unhealthy cells, allowing for the regeneration of new, healthy ones. Chlorine dioxide is featured in cancer treatment protocols, and its applications extend to combating influenza, common colds, and various other ailments.

Mechanism of Action: How Chlorine Dioxide Works

Chlorine dioxide demonstrates its therapeutic effects by oxidizing pathogens within the body, effectively causing them to disintegrate. This oxidative process induces pathogens to “explode,” thereby eradicating them. This unique mode of action enables chlorine dioxide to exert a broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect against viruses, bacteria, parasites, and protozoans alike.

Top 10 Uses of Chlorine Dioxide

Despite the FDA’s prohibition on the medical use of chlorine dioxide, a growing number of holistic practitioners, natural alternative specialists, and individuals assuming personal responsibility for their healthcare—particularly those facing financial constraints in accessing traditional healthcare—are turning to this water purifier to combat pathogens within the body that may contribute to significant health issues. Below, we outline the most prevalent concerns for which chlorine dioxide is increasingly utilized:

1. Arthritis
2. Autoimmune disease
3. Crohn’s disease
4. Diabetes
5. Eczema
6. Fibromyalgia
7. Gout
8. Hepatitis
9. Herpes
10. High blood pressure 

Administration of Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) or Master Mineral Solution (MMS)

Chlorine dioxide or MMS can be made at home using a two-part kit of sodium chlorite and an acid activator. When kept separate, these two ingredients are safe and have a long storage life. When combined, they create chlorine dioxide gas that remains trapped within the liquid for approximately 30 minutes post-preparation. During this window, chlorine dioxide or MMS can be combined with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and administered transdermally or orally. For more information on the uses of MMS, see Jim Humble’s book, The Mater Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.

Safe Usage and Gradual Build-Up

For individuals new to chlorine dioxide usage, commencing with a low dose is advisable. In feverish illnesses, an initial dosage typically consists of 6-8 activated drops of MMS paired with 18-24 drops of DMSO in 4-8 ounces of distilled water. This dosage should be administered once per hour for two consecutive hours, followed by a rest period of 12-24 hours. Subsequently, three activated drops (with nine drops of DMSO and 4-8 ounces of distilled water) are taken hourly until the illness subsides. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the chlorine dioxide and DMSO combination. For more information on DMSO and how to use it with chlorine dioxide, see Herb Roi Richards’ book, DMSO for Humans.

Detoxification and Its Role

Detoxification is crucial in chlorine dioxide usage, allowing the body to purge dead pathogens and toxins efficiently. While detoxification reactions may manifest as flu-like symptoms, they are temporary and indicate the treatment’s efficacy. For those unaware of the detoxification process, these signs might make one think that taking chlorine dioxide is causing sickness, though this is not the case. The flu-like symptoms are how the body rapidly disposes of dead pathogens killed by the chlorine dioxide that would otherwise be trapped inside the body. If the symptoms are too severe, cut the dose in half at the next administration.

Home Preparation of Chlorine Dioxide Solution

To prepare a chlorine dioxide solution at home, sodium chlorite solution and an activator such as citric acid are required. The preparation involves specific ratios of activator drops to sodium chlorite drops, followed by thorough mixing. An easy-to-use two-part kit can be obtained from any sporting goods store in the camping section. These water purification drops are used to purify standing water that may otherwise be unsafe to drink. Check the drops to see that one part consists of 28% sodium chlorite and the other an acid activator. Follow directions for mixing proportions and times for activation.

Precautions During Treatment

Patients undergoing treatment with CDS or MMS should refrain from consuming vitamin C and other antioxidants simultaneously, as they may interfere with treatment effectiveness.

A Promising Frontier in Alternative Medicine

Chlorine dioxide, or MMS, represents a promising contender in the realm of alternative medicine. It has demonstrated efficacy in addressing a myriad of diseases, from HIV/AIDS to hepatitis, Lyme disease to herpes. Chlorine dioxide offers a versatile therapeutic option. Chlorine dioxide usage should be approached with caution and preferably under the guidance of a natural healthcare professional. Paris Humble continues her father’s work in Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses.

In summary, chlorine dioxide’s unique mechanism of action and broad-spectrum effectiveness against pathogens while selectively sparing healthy cells underscores its potential as a valuable addition to alternative medicine. As research and understanding progress, chlorine dioxide is a complimentary addition to the ever-expanding horizons of healthcare possibilities.


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