Jim Humble MMS Documentary a Humble Journey Film 2019 by Sacha Stone

In 2019, Sacha Stone released a documentary film featuring my dad, Jim Humble, sharing his stories about his life and struggles with his enthusiasm to share the message about the health benefits of chlorine dioxide nicknamed “MMS”. He started a revolution but was heavily attacked by the FDA and the media for trying to get his message out to the people.


I provide you with Sacha Stone’s film, A Humble Journey, here, so you can see his story “from the horse’s mouth.”

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A Humble Journey – made by Sacha Stone from Karen Richardson on Vimeo.


This discovery of my dad’s was an altruistic dream come true. He spent many years and much sweat, making sure this simple discovery stayed available to the public. It took much time and effort to perfect these simple but effective formulas that create successes for most if not all when followed wisely. My dad used to say, “If sick people in hospitals used MMS, in 90 days 90% of the people would be well enough to walk out of the hospital.” Of course, that’s why most medical professionals bad-mouth the use of chlorine dioxide. Salt also has chlorine as part of its formula yet very few bad-mouth salt.


His research and work are available from his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.

I have seen my father’s work with chlorine dioxide change the lives of many people, and I have seen first-hand the miraculous results that have had long-term positive effects on youngsters who are now living full and happy lives as adults contributing and being active in their communities as well as truly making the world a better place.

Many of these lives were predicted to not reach adulthood as predicted by modern medicine, and many parents were told that if these children were to survive adolescence, they would not have a very high quality of life (living their adult years in hospice). These parents regard my dad with upmost reverence and make me feel like I am a Hollywood star for just being his kid! I must admit it is a pretty cool feeling.

Due my father’s enthusiastic influence, I became a Health Coach incorporating the use of dad’s MMS discovery with tremendous success. In an effort to continue his work of demystifying chlorine dioxide and its potential to promote greater health, wellness, quality of life, and longevity, I have written, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration (2022). I hope you will find it helpful.

Thank you for watching. ~ Paris Humble



One response to “Jim Humble MMS Documentary a Humble Journey Film 2019 by Sacha Stone”

  1. Penny Myers Avatar
    Penny Myers

    Jim has helped so many people. I remember the documentary he did but now can’t find it. I would love to share it with my family and friends. Do you know where I can get a copy?

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