For best results, remember to incorporate an activator with every MMS1 drop. This can be achieved by adding either 5 drops of lemon or lime juice, 10% citric acid, or one drop of 50% citric. In urgent situations where the aforementioned options are not accessible, 5 drops of vinegar can serve as a substitute.
If experiencing severe symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, or fatigue, it is advised to discontinue use of MMS until they subside. These reactions are likely due to an excessive amount of MMS, so when resuming use, begin with smaller doses. Gradually increase the dosage as soon as possible. Some individuals have found that consuming a raw apple 15 minutes before taking MMS can help prevent nausea. Alternatively, if already experiencing nausea, eating an apple may alleviate it. For optimal results, blend or process the apple before consuming it, and make sure it is fresh.
MMS2 is a versatile treatment that can be utilized anytime and in the absence of MMS1. In severe situations, always incorporate MMS2 capsules into the treatment plan. Additionally, it can also be applied topically. Simply open a capsule and mix the powder with one ounce (28g) of water. Use your fingers or a spray bottle to gently apply it to the affected areas.
The fundamental steps for effectively healing with MMS are as follows:
1. Start by mixing the recommended amount of MMS drops and activator.
2. Wait the recommended time before consuming the mixture.
3. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out toxins.
4. Repeat this process daily according to the suggested protocol.
Begin with Protocol 1000 for the treatment of a wide range of conditions, such as colds, the flu, HIV/AIDS, undiagnosed pains, rheumatoid arthritis, issues with mobility, or other physical ailments.
Begin by administering a small amount, such as a quarter or half drop, during the first hour based on the individual’s level of illness. As their sickness intensifies, reduce the amount of MMS accordingly. If no adverse effects are observed after the initial dose, progress to a slightly larger dose during the second or third hour. Continue gradually increasing until reaching 3 drops within the fourth or fifth hour if there is still no reaction.
It is important to adhere to a maximum of 3 drops per hour on Protocol 1000. Additionally, do not proceed to the next Protocol if there is noticeable improvement in the individual.
If there is no progress on Protocol 1000 within two weeks, then switch to Protocol 2000.
Begin with Protocol 2000 for individuals who have cancer or a serious condition like Hepatitis, liver failure, or require dialysis. If dialysis is necessary, begin at a rate of one-eighth of a drop per hour.
When beginning the treatment, administer a quarter, half, or one drop depending on the person’s level of sickness. Gradually increase the dosage per hour, being mindful not to induce nausea or diarrhea. For best results, spray 10 activated drops into each ounce of water every hour for a few hours, and then every two hours thereafter. Continue spraying hourly as long as there is noticeable improvement before considering stopping.
If there is no noticeable improvement within a few days (5 or more) of using Protocol 2000, consider adding Protocol 3000, or if you believe it will be beneficial, add 3000 immediately.
Typically, it is not recommended to begin with Protocol 3000. However, there are instances where it may be suitable for a mild application of MMS.
To start, spray an arm with MMS. The recommended ratio is 20 drops of activated MMS per ounce of water, which is double the usual strength used for other issues. Next, add DMSO and mix by rubbing it in to avoid excessive potency. For more information, refer to Chapter 13.
If there is no slight improvement, turn to using the bag. However, it is important to limit your time in the bag to no more than 10 minutes and for maximum safety, only stay in it for 5 minutes at a time.
In addition, you have the option to include the following:
To use the douche, simply mix 8 drops of solution into each glass of water (one drop per ounce). As always, remember to activate the mixture before use.
To effectively use the skin spray, add 10 drops per ounce (or 40 drops for half a glass of water). Apply the spray every hour to any problem areas on your skin, and also remember to take MMS orally.
Do not proceed to the following protocol when there is a noticeable improvement in the patient’s condition.
Just a reminder to monitor the patient’s condition closely and take action if they experience any negative reactions, such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, or fatigue. If this occurs, it is important to lower or stop the MMS dose until the symptoms subside before gradually reintroducing it. It is crucial not to continue MMS if the person’s health deteriorates. Please wait until they have returned to their initial state before resuming treatment.
Jim Humble, the author of The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, shares his experiences and knowledge about an alternative health therapy known as MMS.
MMS Archives: Note this is an archived report for information only. Please check with other more relevant and current information before coming to any conclusions. Thank you.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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