What if I Have Chronic Lyme Disease?

If you have been diagnosed with another disease, or many consecutive diseases, you might be asking, “What if I have chronic Lyme disease?” You may have contracted Lyme disease in any number of ways and unfortunately, Lyme shows up as any number of diseases, so common misdiagnosis, and mistreatment are often clues that the actual culprit might be Lyme’s spirochete.

The evasive chronic Lyme disease spirochete

Lyme’s spirochete is so stealthy and has such a strong will to survive that it is almost impossible to recognize it unless you look for it specifically. But your doctor is not likely to do this because you went to the doctor and you said,

“Doc, I have muscle and joint pain. My body temperature is a little unpredictable and I could have a fever. I am developing a rash on the side of my tummy, and I am seeing a lot of hair in the bathtub after I’ve bathed.”

The doctor examines you and puts your symptoms into his computer. He’s likely to hand you a prescription for Prednisone, a corticosteroid, to treat your Lupus. The spirochete responds to the treatment by moving and hibernating in another part of the body until the treatment regimen is completed.

Then, the spirochetes are free to infect the new location which presents a new set of symptoms, so you go back to the doctor and get another diagnosis for a new disease, and subsequent prescription treatment. This cycle continues over and over again, because you were never diagnosed as having Lyme disease and never treated for the spirochete.

After a while, the doctor refers you to a mental health professional because no one has a non-stop cycle of unending diseases, so you must need psychological assistance to treat your hypochondriasis because doctors are not well-trained in Lyme and are taught that it is still contracted by a tick bite.

That’s why author, Herb Roi Richards calls Lyme disease the most misdiagnosed disease in history. He tells his and his wife’s story in his book, Lyme Disease Non-Medical Diagnosis And Treatment: How I kicked Chronic Lyme Disease in One Year for Pennies.

Jo Anna writes, “I was so impressed with Roi’s Lyme Disease book! The one part that touched me most was page 41. ‘Worry is simply a form of prayer for attracting things you do not want.’ So true! I think twice now when I start to worry. Thank you so much!”

Responding to Jo Anna’s query about how chlorine dioxide was helpful, Taylore, the wife of author Herb Roi Richards who also had chronic Lyme disease responds,

Only you know what’s going on in your body.

Everybody has different degrees of pollution in their body, and because we have toxins in the body, that allows the Lifeforce frequency to drop to a lower level. When the life force frequency of the body is at a lower level, the bacteria will multiply, and that person will feel some pain all over their body.

You are the only one who knows about your own body.

We took 30 drops a day for about two months. And then we talked to our body, and the body said to go on maintenance of six drops a day for 1 year to get the Lyme bacteria back in the bones.

How quickly you get over any disease depends on what you are thinking and feeling, what you are eating, and what you are doing to eliminate parasites and trash. Commercial processing inserts poisons into most all food and drink over the years past.

  • Are you fasting to clean up and move the trash out of your body?
  • Are you eating non-inflammatory foods?
  • Do you eat and drink only organic?
  • Are you wearing natural fibers on your body?
  • Are you avoiding using all commercial chemicals such as soap, dishwashing liquid or powder, laundry detergents, dryer tissue, etc.?

Muscle testing is an excellent way to talk to your body (your physical body is your avatar while you are visiting in the 3-D earth situation).

Good luck!  You can do this! Hundreds of people have changed their habits and cleaned up their physical vehicles.



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