Chlorine Dioxide Pathogens Bacteria Parasites Fungi and Mold

Chlorine dioxide, commonly referred to as MMS, a nickname for chlorine dioxide coined by researcher and author Jim Humble, is the most profound annihilator of a broad spectrum of otherwise hard-to-kill parasites. Renowned over the years as the most effective pathogen-killer known to man in industrial applications, chlorine dioxide is the most impactful product that keeps food, drink, and water safe for human consumption. In the food industry, especially meat processing, vegetable and fruit processing, and beverage processing from milk to beer, chlorine dioxide kills the dangerous bacteria, parasites, viruses, mold, and fungi that would otherwise be a health threat to humans. Chlorine dioxide is also instrumental in providing safe delivery of water to homes in municipal water distribution systems. It is inexpensive and highly efficacious.

Many parasites are difficult to kill. While many disinfectants target specific bacteria, parasites, fungi, or mold, chlorine dioxide kills most, if not all, of them in a single application. This is why it is preferred in many industrial applications.

Then comes along a man named Jim Humble, who discovers the potential health benefits of chlorine dioxide by allowing his team to ingest the bacteriacide in questionably sourced water while they were dying of malaria in the jungle. It was all Humble could do at a time long predating cellphones, knowing that they would not be alive by the time help arrived. Yet, after 4 hours of hydrating the dying team members, they all completely recovered, were very hungry, ate, and returned to work as if nothing had happened.

Note: The two-part water purification drops kit provides the Humble-approved prediluted ingredients to create chlorine dioxide in a simple one-to-one drop ratio, with as little as a 30-second activation period. This makes it the best choice for creating a water purifier in the field. It can be found in sporting goods stores in the camping department.

Witnessing this event firsthand launched Jim Humble’s lifelong passion for researching the potential health benefits of chlorine dioxide, for which he was ridiculed and slandered by the medical community and the FDA. Nonetheless, millions of people’s lives were changed by using this chemical, vastly regarded as the most effective pathogen killer of all time outside the body, realized as also offering the same value inside the body.

While many have shared their experiences of being cured of a wide variety of diseases by using chlorine dioxide or MMS orally, Jim and his daughter, Paris Humble, maintain that the power of chlorine dioxide or MMS lies in the killing of pathogens and not in any healing function. Paris Humble explains that “chlorine dioxide doesn’t cure anything,” instead, she insists that chlorine dioxide “kills the pathogens that are effectively blocking the body from performing its ability to function as the powerful self-healer that it was designed to be in the first place.” She further expounds, “When the body is overwhelmed by hostile bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi, and mold, the body’s resources are focused on battling the pathogens in the struggle for survival. No or few resources are left for the immune system or any healing process, leaving the landscape fertile for the proliferation of disease.”

Jim Humble’s book, “Master Mineral Solution for the Third Millennium,” presents an awe-inspiring narrative of MMS, previously known as Miracle Mineral Supplement, and its transformative impact on global health. This compelling sequel to his previous works continues to chronicle the journey of MMS as it impacts the landscape of healthcare worldwide. “Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century,” parts one and two, are the precursor, laying the foundation for the groundbreaking revelations unveiled in “The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium.”

Jim’s recent return from Africa, where he successfully reversed thousands of cases of malaria and treated over 800 HIV/AIDS cases, underscores the profound efficacy of MMS. He has conducted many European lectures and seminars emphasizing MMS protocols in Germany and the Dominican Republic. Future projections indicate that this book could be instrumental in saving countless lives in the future.

In his 268-page volume, Jim meticulously updates all facets of MMS covered in his previous work. From safety precautions to new protocols and methods of application, the book serves as a comprehensive guide to harnessing MMS’s therapeutic potential. Notable topics include the use of MMS in healing diseases, its applications for animals, and practical insights into its formulation and chemistry. Additionally, Jim explores the intersection of MMS with vaccines and other medications, providing invaluable perspectives on alternative healing approaches.

Readers are invited to embark on a journey of discovery, delving into captivating narratives from Mexico, South Africa, and Malawi, where MMS has left an indelible mark on countless lives. Through firsthand testimonials and clinical evidence, Jim illuminates the transformative power of MMS, challenging conventional medical paradigms and empowering individuals to take control of their health.

Jim Humble

From Jim Humble:

For those new to Master Mineral Supplement (MMS), it’s essential to dispel misconceptions and recognize its unparalleled efficacy. Contrary to popular belief, MMS is not merely a supplement but a potent therapeutic agent capable of achieving remarkable results within hours. Clinical trials in Malawi have demonstrated a 100% success rate in treating malaria, and over 800 HIV/AIDS cases have been successfully managed with MMS. With over 5 million users globally, MMS continues revolutionizing healthcare by providing rapid relief from many ailments.

MMS’ active ingredient has been utilized for sterilization in medical settings for over a century, highlighting its safety and effectiveness. When administered correctly, MMS selectively targets pathogens while preserving healthy cells, offering a safe and potent solution to various health challenges. With detailed instructions on DIY preparation, individuals can harness the power of MMS in their homes, potentially saving lives.

In addition to its germ-killing properties, MMS acts as a potent immune booster, often facilitating rapid recovery from illness. By sharing this invaluable information, Jim aims to empower individuals to take control of their health and access life-saving treatments. Disseminating this knowledge is paramount in ensuring widespread access to effective healthcare solutions, thereby preventing unnecessary suffering and loss of life.

The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing now incorporates MMS into its sacred cleansing rituals, further underscoring its profound impact on holistic well-being. Through education and empowerment, Jim Humble continues to pave the way for a healthier and brighter future for all.

Paris Humble’s book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, continues on the path set forth by her father, Jim Humble, and stands out from other literature on the subject due to its practical and accessible approach. Unlike lengthy compendiums or narrative-driven accounts, Humble’s book is structured as a straightforward how-to manual, making it easier for readers to find the information they seek.

Drawing from years of health research, her practice as a health coach, and firsthand exposure to chlorine dioxide, Paris offers her insights to the community. With a focus on clarity and conciseness, she navigates through the complexities of chlorine dioxide, presenting the truth without being bogged down by filler.

Readers will benefit from Paris’ common-sense approach and lifetime of study in natural alternatives. Born into a household surrounded by chlorine dioxide research and so many testimonials, Paris provides valuable insights based on her observations and personal experiences.

In her book, readers will learn about the nature of chlorine dioxide, its proper usage, and its compatibility with other complementary elements for optimal results. Additionally, Humble explores the ailments that have shown the most promising outcomes with chlorine dioxide treatment, offering guidance for individuals, children, and pets alike.

As awareness grows, chlorine dioxide water purification drops increasingly become a staple in emergency kits. Paris’ book includes a section dedicated to emergency usage, ensuring readers are well-prepared to handle unforeseen situations effectively. Through her work, Paris aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to enhance their health and well-being.


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