Tag: jim humble book

  • Chlorine Dioxide Pathogens Bacteria Parasites Fungi and Mold

    Chlorine dioxide, commonly referred to as MMS, a nickname for chlorine dioxide coined by researcher and author Jim Humble, is the most profound annihilator of a broad spectrum of otherwise hard-to-kill parasites. Renowned over the years as the most effective pathogen-killer known to man in industrial applications, chlorine dioxide is the most impactful product that…

  • Eating While You Are Taking MMS

    While on your MMS protocol, you can eat. The MMS dose should not be taken right at mealtime. Plan your meals around your dosing while on the protocols. MMS doses should be spaced out by 20 to 30 minutes after you take them. MMS doses can be taken at 8:00 a.m., breakfast at 8:30 a.m., and…

  • Critics of MMS and Jim Humble

    Somehow I have developed numerous critics all around the planet. I thought in the beginning and for some time that critics would care about truth, common sense, logic, or common decency. And I also thought that radio stations, TV newscasts, and internet newscasts would have some consideration about these same things. But no, none of…