Critics of MMS and Jim Humble

Somehow I have developed numerous critics all around the planet. I thought in the beginning and for some time that critics would care about truth, common sense, logic, or common decency. And I also thought that radio stations, TV newscasts, and internet newscasts would have some consideration about these same things. But no, none of these critics have shown the slightest consideration in those directions.

There are basically two kinds of critics.

  1. Those who are lying and know they are lying
  2. Those who believe their own rhetoric and are unwilling to check what they are saying

The critics who lie about MMS are in some way connected to the pharmaceutical companies by money. They are the ones that are talking to the public through TV, radio, and the internet or they are doctors who dispense drugs of some kind. The doctor makes money from the drug. They are also the commentators and the writers of the news. They are among the evil people of this world, as they prevent thousands from being relieved of their suffering, or they cause them to die when they could have lived out a good life.

About Decency

Five million people have used MMS. Jim Humble has treated more than 5,000 people personally. Several hundred thousand lives have been saved. But what if MMS didn’t work and no one had been saved? Would it not still be common decency to at least say, “I don’t know, but I’ll at least check MMS out.” If MMS does work and you tell people it doesn’t, they will go away and continue to suffer when that isn’t necessary. It would be common decency to consider one’s responsibility to others. If you talk off of the top of your head without checking the data, and your data is wrong, you can cost someone their life or cause much suffering. Being responsible for what you say concerning things such as MMS is just common decency.

However, decency has not been a priority. All critics have refused to check the facts. A decent critic would have:

  • Read the chemistry instead of assuming that they know it;
  • Checked one or two people who claim to be healed; and/or
  • Tried it for themselves.

About Truth

When someone just begins talking because he thinks he knows the truth about something without checking, especially something that affects people’s lives, it shows he cares little for the truth and little for people’s lives, and he thinks that somehow he knows the truth about all things. If he didn’t think that, he would not act as if he knows all things and does not need to check the truth. All the critics have acted in this way. That is true because those who have checked the truth are no longer critics.

About Common Sense and Logic

My books and the internet contain common sense about chlorine dioxide (that’s MMS) that will tell you right off the bat that MMS works. One might not blame too heavily an uneducated yokel from Alabama for not understanding the logic, but people with doctor’s degrees should have the decency and intelligence to at least use common logic in their critical remarks. But again, all the critics have refused to look at the common logic of it because that means that they would have to read some chemistry. Either that or, as mentioned above, they are connected to the pharmaceuticals in some way by money.

So let me just cover several points of logic that the critics refuse to observe. Someone once said that there is no one more blind than those who won’t see. And of course, the critics fit that description exceptionally well.

You may ask at this point, why do you include all critics? Might some of them be right? Well, the point is:

  • All critics who have checked their data are no longer critics!

Those who refuse to see are still critics and that includes the educated ones, doctors and scientists as well as yokels. I have successfully treated more than 5,000 sick people, yet I have medical doctors telling me that I am lying and they know I am a liar.

I want to say a little about the logic of MMS and ask you to use your plain old logic which I call just common sense. You would think that the critics would have found something that makes sense to criticize, but no, they don’t seem to care about making sense.

~ Jim Humble in The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium



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