How to Use Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Drops for Health

Following the directions on the label, you can purify water with a few drops of Part 1 and Part 2 equally, swirling in a clean dry glass, and allowing it to activate for thirty seconds. Having done so you now have created chlorine dioxide water purifier. The label I am looking at right now says three drops of Part 1 and Part 2 is enough to treat one quart of water, making it safe to drink.

All federal agencies, including the FDA, approve chlorine dioxide water purification drops in said manner for this use. (Label directions may vary among manufacturers.) Chlorine dioxide is used by most municipal water treatment and distribution facilities due to its ability to kill all known pathogens, keeping water safe to drink for the masses.

You can and should read more about using chlorine dioxide for your health, I suggest that my clients have a copy of my book. Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, for more detailed information.

One drop Part 1 + one drop Part 2

Basically, I start out with one drop each of Part 1 and Part 2, mixed together per the instructions, in a clean, dry glass, swirl and allow to activate for 30 seconds (read and follow instructions that came with your two-part kit, as products may vary). Then add 4 ounces or ½ cup of pure, clean, or distilled (distilled preferred) water.

Why distilled water? Because it is the purest form of water you can get over the counter, as municipal water is known to contain fluoridation and other chemicals that chlorine dioxide will spend its energy on to disable before it gets into your body, leaving less of it for you to benefit from. The more pure the water, the more pathogens can be eliminated per ounce of purified water.

Tolerance Check

It may taste bad due to the chlorine dioxide. Some people have a better tolerance for water purifier than others. In a survival safe-drinking-water emergency, it is tolerable. As a health supplement, compared to many medicinal oral products, it is not as bad as some, taste-wise.

I find most people can tolerate a one-drop mixture to start. Wait an hour to see if you have any adverse reactions, i.e., nausea or runny stool, etc. Highly sensitive people may experience adverse reactions. If they do, they can try another portion at half the concentration, by following the same procedure but adding 8 ounces of water, then drinking half of that (4 ounces or 1/2 cup). Then wait to see what happens.

If it is still too strong, you could cut it in half again, by adding 16 ounces of water to the activated single drops, then taking four ounces from that. Discard any unused portion, as chlorine dioxide does not stay activated for long periods. In fact, it is practically useless after one hour following activation. Always make a fresh batch.

Once you’ve established your starting point, then you want to steadily increase your concentration over time, by getting to one drop of Part 1 and Part 2, if you started below one drop.

When you can tolerate one drop of each, which most people do from the beginning, then try increasing the drops one drop at a time. Your first threshold will be three drops. At three drops per hour over a span of 8 hours, you are really starting to make some headway at disinfecting your body from the inside out.

Alternatively, you could use Chlorine Dioxide Solution or CDS 3000 PPM, which is a more pure form of chlorine dioxide that does not require mixing or activating and is reportedly much better tasting. It is ready to use but note that you will need 8 times the volume of CDS 3000, or 8 drops equals 1 drop of MMS.


My dad, Jim Humble, says, and I believe him, that MMS or chlorine dioxide does the same thing inside the body as it does outside the body, and that is to kill all known pathogens, including bad bacteria, fungus, mold, parasites, and viruses, etc. You can get his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, if you can find it (it was banned on

No Cure Here

I know that, regardless of what you may have heard, that chlorine dioxide or MMS does not heal or cure anything. All it does is kill the bad bugs that are crawling around inside us that are keeping our bodies from being able to heal themselves.

This is God’s design. He has designed our bodies to rebuild and regenerate naturally, but these days our physiology is so toxic due to a constant barrage of exposure to or ingestion of these pathogens, from the food we eat, the liquids we drink, and even the air that we breathe, that keep us from being able to heal ourselves.

I know this sounds like gibberish to any medical staff that you might consult. Still, you should consult your doctor before attempting to treat yourself for anything in any manner to see what he or she has to say, first.

Talk to your doctor

There is no law against drinking purified water that is not contaminated.


To be totally honest, for me, if I am faced with a critical health challenge, I always jump right into what I call the 6n6 solution. That’s 6 drops of Part 1 and 6 drops of Part 2 (see MMS 6n6, also known as Protocol 6 and 6, in Chapter 10 of my book). And I really just ignore any ill feelings that I might have because the quicker I can get rid of the toxins, the quicker I am back to getting my health restored.

I am not telling anyone to do anything, just being honest and open about what I do for myself.

DIY Do it Yourself

Keep researching and educating yourself. Diligently exercise your due diligence and come to your own conclusion. This is personal information only and may not apply to anyone else but me.

~ Paris Humble

Disclaimer: Information and any statements regarding chlorine dioxide have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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